Thursday, January 8, 2009

More than you might want to know

I love my family. My 3 children keep me active, laughing, learning and humble. I have the best husband: handsome, sweet, gentle, patient, smart, loving, athletic, handy, and supportive. My parents taught me with love and I hope that I can pass what I know on to my kids. I like my pillowcases on my pillows with the tags to the inside, not sticking out where they can get on my face when I am sleeping. I sleep with part of the covers over my head so that it covers my ears. Soda, especially Diet Pepsi, is my friend. Don't think about drinking, or "taking sips", of my soda especially when you didn't get your own to begin with. I love my savior and the gospel with the knowledge and comfort it gives to me. I have a hard time telling someone I am upset. I don't like confrontation (although I am getting better at it with experience. This isn't to say I have had a lot, just a few practice sessions). If I had been on this earth before c-sections, I wouldn't have lived through my first pregnancy. Alaska is one of my favorite places. My dad was born and raised there, as was I, and 2 of my children were born there too. Chris and I met there. I love the smell of the air in Alaska and the mountains. The moose walking through the snow and the northern lights dancing in the night sky. I miss the below zero temperatures where your breath freezes and your eyelashes get frozen and snow-machining on the lake. I love a bowl of honey nut cheerios, with bananas for breakfast or anytime of the day for that matter. Eating healthy is something I enjoy doing. I also enjoy M&M's, the peanut ones, way too often. Sweden is a fun place to live. I did so for a year. The people are nice, thoughtful and the climate is a lot like Alaska. Maybe that's why I like it. Learning new talents is something I like to do. Photography and knitting are my newest ambitions. You can usually find me sewing, knitting, reading or running on any given day. I've earned and driven a free Mary Kay car for 2 years. I love Magic Eraser sponges. Actually, I suppose I should say, my house loves them. They are amazing. I don't enjoy cleaning, but I enjoy the end result. I want to learn how to do some home remodeling. Maybe I'll even take great pictures of the process...someday. I like to go hiking and be outside. Driving motor coaches for Princess Tours was one of my all time best jobs. I have a teaching degree and have never used it to make money except to substitute for a semester after I graduated. I enjoy snow and cooler weather. Humidity is not my friend. I have six siblings, 3 sisters-in-law, 28+ nieces and nephews and we live all over the country. Volleyball is the game. The game I love and will play any day of the week, except Sunday. I've played in Alaska, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Sweden, Russia, Finland and North Carolina. My mom and mother-in-law are my examples. I call them for advice and just to talk. I can play the flute, although I haven't for a while. Listening to talk radio in the car outnumbers the times I listen to music in the car. I have a great life.


  1. Just what I wanted to know actually! :o)

  2. I am amazed at how much of that I knew. Glad to know some new things about you though!
