Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Apple Pie

I am not a big pie fan. In fact, I didn't even attempt to make pies because I didn't care for them that much. When my husband started asking for pies, I put it off for, oh about 10 years!, and this year I decided I had better make some attempt at filling my husbands cravings.

Creamy blueberry pie. My first pie attempt and it was a winner. We have made this pie several times since. It is now award winning thanks to my sister-in-law Sara who made this pie after trying it at Thanksgiving.

The recipe can be found here.

Grandma Ople's apple pie:


I wasn't going for beauty here, just taste. However when I realized I had added too much butter (I won't say how much) I thought the pie was done for. If you don't think about the calorie count in here, the pie turned out great! Since this pie had almost 2000 reviews, how could you go wrong?!

Here is the recipe link:

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, apple pie. I have a recipe for an apple pie called "Topsy Turvy Apple Pie"... you put a layer of sticky caramel (brown sugar and butter) on the bottom of the pan and then flip it all over when the pie is done... DIVINE!
